Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More concepting

One of the few pieces of concept work involving more solid lines. This first piece was based on a fellow artist friend, Jay Bakke. The character bears his first name.
The second image are some developments in creating a monster from the same comic. The character has a broken neck, and so I was trying to find creative ways for her to support her head. Thus far, I'm liking the idea of having her carry it by pulling her hair. It's the most dramatic approach. :)
Happy hunting,

New concepting work!

Working through a series of faces and bodies to find the right ones. This face in the very first in a series of attempts to create the storyline's obligatory "pretty boy". However, it's Western-oriented, so he had to look a bit more ruggedly masculine. I didn't even plot his face out when I drew him down, and so his features aren't even aligned properly. His left eye appears to be wandering away. :)
Beside that is a more solid photoshop file of a color variation for another character.
Happy hunting,